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Recent Publications

Offering new geological insights to the Mawson Ni-Cu-Co prospect via seismic data reprocessing (2024).  Alan Meulenbroek, Mario Vecchi.
(ASEG Extended Abstracts Volume 2024 (1st ASEG DISCOVER Symposium))

Towards Efficient Bayesian MASW Analysis using JAX (2024)  Jordan Dennis, Aaron Glanville, Shaun Strong.
(ASEG Extended Abstracts Volume 2024. (1st ASEG DISCOVER Symposium))

The importance of geophone emplacement for onshore seismic surveys (2023). T. Dean, S. Strong,
T. Peters, and D. Harpley.
(ASEG Extended Abstracts Volume 2023 ( 4th Australasian Exploration Geoscience Conference))

Analysis of P-wave travel times for teleseismic earthquakes on nodal seismic surveys (2023)
S. Hearn, B. Bignell, J. McMonagle, and S. Strong.
(ASEG Extended Abstracts Volume 2023 ( 4th Australasian Exploration Geoscience Conference))

Attenuation of ice-sheet reverberations in teleseismic P-wave receiver functions (2021). D. Harpley, S. Hearn, and S. Strong.
(AEGC Extended Abstracts, 3rd AEGC: Geosciences for a Sustainable World, Brisbane, Australia, 2021).

Node quality control using drones and object detection (2021). J. Stephenson and S. Strong.
(AEGC Extended Abstracts, 3rd AEGC: Geosciences for a Sustainable World, Brisbane, Australia, 2021).

Optimising slip-sweep for Vibroseis high-production coal surveys (2021). S. Strong, D. Harpley, and S. Hearn.
(AEGC Extended Abstracts, 3rd AEGC: Geosciences for a Sustainable World, Brisbane, Australia, 2021).

Optimising 3D coal seismic imaging with pre-stack depth migration (2021). X. Lu, A. Meulenbroek, and K. Driml.
(AEGC Extended Abstracts, 3rd AEGC: Geosciences for a Sustainable World, Brisbane, Australia, 2021).

Observations of geophone spurious resonance (2019). S. Hearn, S. Strong, and A. Kinmont.
(ASEG Extended Abstracts, AEGC 2nd Australasian Exploration Geoscience Conference, Perth, 2019).

Drones as a support tool for seismic acquisition (2019). J. Stephenson and S. Strong. (ASEG Extended Abstracts, AEGC 2nd Australasian Exploration Geoscience Conference, Perth, 2019).

Modelling complex near-surface features to improve shallow seismic exploration (2018). S. Strong.
(ASEG Extended Abstracts, AEGC 1st Australasian Exploration Geoscience Conference, Sydney, 2018).

Imaging of shallow coal structures using 2D6C Mini-SOSIE (2016). S. Strong, J. Alderman, and S. Hearn.
(Extended Abstracts, ASEG 25th International Conference and Exhibition, Adelaide, 2016).

Application of Interferometric MASW to a 3D-3C Seismic Survey (2016). S. Strong and S. Hearn.
(Extended Abstracts, ASEG 25th International Conference and Exhibition, Adelaide, 2016).

Survey design for coal-scale 3D-PS seismic reflection (2016). S. Strong and S. Hearn.
(Geophysics 81.6 (2016): P57-P70).

Statics Correction Methods For 3D Converted-Wave (PS) Seismic Reflection (2016). S. Strong and S. Hearn.
(Exploration Geophysics (online) – http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/EG15115)

P- and S-wave seismic sources for ultra-shallow seismic surveying (2015). A. Meulenbroek, S. McMonagle, S. Strong, and S. Fletcher
(Bowen Basin Symposium 2015).

Investigation of productivity enhancements for the Mini-SOSIE seismic system (2015). S. Strong, S. Hearn, S. Fletcher, and J. McMonagle
(Bowen Basin Symposium 2015).

Applications of finite-difference modelling to coalscale seismic exploration (2015). S. Strong and T. Peters
(Bowen Basin Symposium 2015).

New developments in coal seismology (2015). S. Strong and S. Hearn
(Bowen Basin Symposium 2015).

Can near-surface velocity structure be improved via dispersion analysis of conventional reflection data? (2015).  S. Strong and S. Hearn
(ASEG Extended Abstracts, 24th International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition).

Integrated reflection and refraction processing of an ultra-shallow seismic survey. (2015). A. Meulenbroek
(ASEG Extended Abstracts, 24th International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition).

ACARP Reports

Toward 3D, integrated P+PS seismic imaging of coal targets. (C17029).  S. Strong and S. Hearn
(ACARP Report 2011).

Integrated P-wave/PS-wave seismic imaging for improved geological characterisation of coal environments. (C13029).  N. Hendrick, S. Hearn, and S. Strong
(ACARP Report 2007).

Investigation of converted wave seismic reflection for improved resolution of coal structures. (C10020).  S. Hearn, N. Hendrick and J. McMonagle
(ACARP Report 2003).

Read earlier publications in the Publication Archive.