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Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists Extended Abstracts,
Volume 2021, 3rd Australasian Exploration Geoscience Conference (AEGC), Brisbane, 2021.
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Mapping coal seam roof and floor by using in-seam borehole radar: Results from numerical modelling Binzhong Zhou, Jianjian Huo, Iain Mason, Matthew van de Werken.
Case Studies using Loupe – Mapping Geology in Near-Surface Gregory Street, Andrew Duncan.
Almost automatic geological mapping from AEM surveys David Annetts, Juerg Hauser.
Rock Property and Depth Mapping from magnetic data applied to greenfields exploration targeting in the Cloncurry District David Pratt, James Austin, Clive Foss.
Groundwater and gas sampling informing hydrogeological conceptualisation of the Precipice and Hutton Sandstone aquifers of the southern Surat Basin J. K. Pearce, H. Hofmann, K. Baublys, S. D. Golding, I. Rodger, P. Hayes.
Application of LiDAR for hydrocarbon exploration in logistically and geologically challenging environments: examples from the Papuan Fold and Thrust Belt, Papua New Guinea Luke Mahoney*, Mitch Furnass, Pedro Restrepo-Pace.
Hidden in Plain Sight: The Bamaga Basin Wolfgang Fischer.
New Age Dating of Evaporites in Canning Basin, WA, Australia. A Case Study based on samples from the Frome Rocks Salt Diapir. Fionna McNee, John Gorter, Frank Glass.
Controls on organic matter accumulation in the Mesoproterozoic: Insights from the stratigraphic modelling of the Velkerri Formation of the Beetaloo Basin (Northern Territory, Australia) Vincent Crombez, Mohinudeen Faiz, Claudio Delle Piane, Marcus Kunzmann.
Petroleum systems model for source-rock-reservoir evaluation in the Beetaloo Sub-basin Mohinudeen Faiz, Vincent Crombez, Claudio Delle Piane, Nicholas Lupton, Michael Camilleri, Laurent Langhi.
In situ zircon Hf-O isotopic constraints on the genesis of quartz diorite in Narusongduo Pb-Zn mining area, Tibet Xuejing Gong, Qingtian Lu, Zhusen Yang.
Exploring for gold using radiometrics, magnetics, and petrophysical information in the Warrawoona greenstones of the East Pilbara, Western Australia Yvonne Wallace, Heather Ballantyne, Steve Sheppard.
Case Study from N.W. Carnarvon using WEB-AVO Inversion to Map Low Saturation Gas & Unravel Geology Using ‘Noisy’ Seismic John Coffin, Angie Kelsay, Shahid Ur Rehman.
Onshore seismic acquisition: out with the old, in with the new Denis Sweeney, Tim Dean, Claudio Strobbia, John Hughes, Martin Bayly.
Integrated modelling of seismic velocities and impact on prospect evaluation Jarrod Dunne, James Parsons.
Examples of integrating hyperspectral, geochemical and petrophysical drill core data using Australia’s National Virtual Core Library infrastructure Carsten Laukamp, Jessica Stromberg, Neil Francis, Shane Mule, Monica LeGras, Juerg Hauser, Ian C. Lau.
UAV Magnetic Survey Planning, QAQC and Data Processing Brett Adams, James Jensen, Brendan Ray.
Multi-purpose utility of constructing 3D static Geomechanical model in the Ichthys field, Browse Basin Partha Pratim Mandal, Iman Essa, Sankhajit Saha, Reza Rezaee.
Gravimetric measurements of high pressure and temperature C1, C2 and C3 adsorption isotherms on Beetaloo Sub-basin shales Nicholas Lupton, Michael Camilleri, Mohinudeen Faiz.
Radio Image Mapping at the Polymetallic Rosebery Mine, NW Tasmania Asbjorn Norlund Christensen, Jon McLoughlin, Roland Hill.
How do detachment properties influence the kinematics of normal growth faults? Insights from 3D seismic reflection data from the Ceduna sub-basin Monica Jimenez, Simon Holford, Rosalind King, Mark Bunch.
Expanding the reserve base of operating mines: Insights from an airborne MobileMT survey in the Omsukchan depression, Russian Far East Petr Kordi, Alexander Prikhodko, Andrei Bagrianski, Sergei Trushin.
MobileMT for porphyry exploration – model studies and field examples Alexander Prikhodko, Andrei Bagrianski.
Data geo-Science Approach for Modelling Unconventional Petroleum Ecosystems and their Visual Analytics Shastri L Nimmagadda, Andrew Ochan, Christine Namugenyi, Torsten Reiners.
Big Data guided Digital Petroleum Ecosystems for Visual Analytics and Knowledge Management Shastri L Nimmagadda, Andrew Ochan, Neel Mani, Torsten Reiners.
Optimising Land Seismic Acquisition for Modern Noise Suppression in Processing Graeme Eastwood, Christof Stork.
Interpretation of magnetotelluric and airborne electromagnetic inversions from the Proterozoic basins of the Capricorn Orogen, WA Sasha Banaszczyk, Mike Dentith, Perla Pina-Varas, David Annetts.
3D Modelling & Synthesis of Geophysical Data in Nash Creek, New Brunswick, Canada. Alexander Furlan, Hernan Ugalde, Alzbeta Ondercova, Bernd Milkereit.
Vertically integrated geoscientific data at the Geological Survey of New South Wales Ned Stolz.
Results from the largest Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) survey ever flown in NSW Astrid Carlton, Liann Deyssing, Karen Montgomery, Steven Trigg.
The North Australian Craton 3D Gravity and Magnetic Inversion Models – A trial for first pass modelling of the entire continent James A Goodwin, Richard J L Lane.
Towards a 3D model of the South-Nicholson Basin region, Northern Australia, for mineral, energy and groundwater assessment Nadege Rollet, Michael Doublier, Chris Southby, Chris Carson, Ross Costelloe, Tanya Fomin, Yusen Ley Cooper, Lidena Carr, Marie-Aude Bonnardot, John Wilford, Sebastian Wong, Malcom Nicoll, Karol Czarnota, Donna Cathro, Steve Hostetler.
Overburden measurement for coal mine management with 3D high resolution compressional and shear velocity seismic inversion Claudio Strobbia, Martin Bayly, Denis Sweeney, Tim Dean, Margarita Pavlova, Matthew Grant.
A time-lapse feasibility workflow incorporating core calibrated 4D rock physics models Christian Proud, Ask Frode Jakobsen, Rob Ross, Jason McKenna.
Digitalizing the Mining Industry – 3D Scanning of Core Trays to Produce Volumetric Bulk Densities Mikael Artursson, Angus Tod, Emma Dellar, Annelie Lundstrom.
Quantifying Uplift using Decompaction: A case study from the Exmouth Plateau, North West Shelf Patrick Makuluni, Laurent Langhi, Juerg Hauser, Stuart Clark.
Automated facies classification in borehole log data Roman Beloborodov, James Gunning, Marina Pervukhina, Michael Ben Clennell, Irena Emelyanova, Juerg Hauser.
New mineral system vectors for revitalised copper-gold discovery in the Gawler Craton John Anderson.
Constraining gravity inversion with lower-dimensional seismic information: Imaging the eastern Yilgarn Craton Mahtab Rashidifard, Jeremie Giraud, Mark Lindsay, Mark Jessell, Vitaliy Ogarko.
Australian geomagnetic observatory network monitors space weather hazard – 180 years on Liejun Wang, Andrew Lewis, Bill Jones, Jingming Duan, Adrian Hitchman, Matthew Gard.
Transformative geophysics: Alternatives to the reduction-to-pole transformation of magnetic data Richard Smith.
The Role of Passive Seismic Imaging in Near-Mine Exploration Gerrit Olivier, Andrew Foley, Nicola Ramm, Philippe Dales, Tjaart de Wit, Francois Malan, Olaf Goldbach.
Knowledge-Guided Machine Learning for Komatiite-Hosted Nickel Prospectivity Mapping Minsu Kwon.
An automated system for preventing hydraulic vibrator tip-over during land seismic surveys Richard Barnwell, Tim Dean, Hagay Haviv, Damien Barry, John Giles, Megan Nightingale.
A brief history of 3D seismic acquisition in BHP Coal and some predictions for the future Tim Dean, Matt Grant, Margarita Pavlova.
Automated fracture detection and characterization from unwrapped drill-core images using Mask R-CNN Fatimah Alzubaidi, Patrick Makuluni, Stuart R. Clark, Jan Erik Lie, Peyman Mostaghimi, Ryan T. Armstrong.
Geophysical proxies for redox gradients in IOCG systems: Cloncurry District, Qld, Australia. James Austin, Tobias Schlegel, John Walshe, Andreas Bjork, Clive Foss.
Environmental Site Assessment at a Mining Operation in Western Australia Using the Loupe TEM Profiling System Remke L. van Dam, Greg Maude, Brendan Ray, Graham Jenke, Russell Mortimer.
The evaluation of alternatives to pre-acquisition surveying for land seismic surveys Tim Dean, Matt Grant.
Impacts of Uncertainty in Minimum Horizontal Stress Determination on Wellbore Stability Matthew Musolino, Simon Holford, Rosalind King.
Seismic network modelling and design in an interactive web-based environment Pavel Golodoniuc, Januka Attanayake, Abraham Jones, Samuel Bradley.
A Beautiful Sunset (Clause): Enhancing Statewide Geophysics with High Resolution Company Data Sam Matthews.
Structural controls on late Cambrian mineralisation in the Stavely Arc Robert Holm, Chris Cairns, Jennifer Murphy, Hamish Forgan, Michael Agnew, Ian Stockton.
Exploring links between thermal maturity and electrical properties of organic-rich shales Claudio Delle Piane, Matthew Josh, Julien Bourdet, David N. Dewhurst, M. Ben Clennell.
The role of geophysics in the discovery of the Gonneville PGE-NiCu-Co-Au Deposit, Julimar, Western Australia. Jacob Paggi, Kevin Frost, Bruce Kendall.
Geographic quantile regression forest: a new method for spatial modelling of mineral commodities Kane Maxwell, Mojtaba Rajabi, Joan Esterle.
Recognising the impact of uncertainty in resource models Steve Sullivan.
Integration of high-resolution HyLogger3 spectral scanner and TESCAN Integrated Mineral Analyser for mineralogical characterisation of shale Muhammad Atif Iqbal, Reza Rezaee, Gregory Smith, Hasnain Ali Bangash.
High density seismic finally accessible to all industries Amine Ourabah.
Optimising slip-sweep for high-productivity Vibroseis coal surveys. Shaun Strong, Dale Harpley, Steve Hearn.
Node quality control using drones and object detection Jason Stephenson, Shaun Strong.
Multi-scale magnetotelluric surveys – mapping from the lithosphere to the near surface for mineral systems Wenping Jiang, Jingming Duan, Anthony Schofield, Ross C. Brodie, Andrew Clark.
Compositional control on frictional properties of Goldwyer shale reservoir rocks Partha Pratim Mandal, Reza Rezaee, Mustafa Sari, Joel Sarout.
Optimising 3D coal seismic imaging with pre-stack depth migration Xiaodong Lu, Alan Meulenbroek, Karel Driml.
Using the NCI Gadi Supercomputer to revolutionise processing of MT time series data: results from the GeoDeVL experiment Nigel Rees, Sheng Wang, Ben Evans, Lesley Wyborn, Tim Rawling, Bruce Goleby, Kelsey Druken, Rui Yang.
Seismic velocity analysis in the presence of AVO polarity reversals by fuzzy c-mean clustering Javad Khoshnavaz, Duy Thong Kieu, Hamidreza Siahkoohi, Andrej Bona.
The Winu-Ngapakarra deposit in the Great Sandy Desert of Western Australia, a Neoproterozoic Intrusion-related Cu-Au-Ag deposit Hilke Dalstra, Adam Black, Inna Mudrovska.
CRC-P-57322 High-resolution Real-time Airborne Gravimetry Andrew Gabell, Timothy Crain, Glenn D Hines, Farzin Amzajerdian, Bruce W Barnes, David Becker, Helen Tuckett, Jack McCubbine, Shaun Stewart, Geoff Wells, Wayne Hewison, Andrew McGrath, Will Featherstone, Mathew Tubb, Scott Moore, Jamin Greenbaum.
Noble gases: a versatile exploration tool for water, minerals and hydrocarbons Axel Suckow, Cornelia Wilske, Christoph Gerber, Alec Deslandes, Punjehl Crane, Dirk Mallants.
Yaoure Seismic Survey: Defining a Complex 3D Structural Framework with High Resolution Seismic Data Greg Turner*, Cisse Amadou, Peter Turner, Graeme Hird, Doug Jones.
Why we should not report unconstrained inversion output in densities or magnetic susceptibilities Clive Foss, James Austin.
Estimation of Magnetization Direction over Wide Sheets Illustrated with a Case Study of the Earoo Magnetic Anomaly, Western Australia Clive Foss, Phil Schmidt, James Austin.
If you can’t go to the Anomaly then let the Anomaly come to you – Rubens Cage Surveys Clive Foss, Keith Leslie, Phil Schmidt.
Airborne geophysical surveys uploaded to SARIG in 2020: Industry focus Philip Heath.
Stratigraphic drilling in the era of EFTF: The Barnicarndy 1 and NDI Carrara 1 wells. Adam H.E. Bailey, Emmanuelle Grosjean, Liuqi Wang, Amber J.M. Jarrett, Chris Carson, Dianne Edwards, Chris Southby, Susannah MacFarlane, Jade Anderson, Kamal Khider, Leon Normore, Dot Close, Peter W. Haines, Christine Edgoose, Lidena Carr, Paul A. Henson.
The present-day state of tectonic stress in eastern Australia Mojtaba Rajabi.
Northern Lawn Hill Platform – modelling the ‘great-grandparent’ emerging region Tehani Palu, Amber Jarrett, Susannah MacFarlane, Christopher Boreham, Barry Bradshaw.
Nonlinear, 2D uncertainty estimation in Magnetotelluric inversion using trans-dimensional Gaussian processes Daniel Blatter, Anandaroop Ray, Kerry Key.
Simultaneous inversion of teleseismic P- and converted S-waves to constrain the seismic structure of the crust Mehdi Tork Qashqai, Erdinc Saygin.
Modelling fluid flow in complex 3D fault networks Thomas Poulet, Ulrich Kelka, Vincent Crombez, Marcus Kunzmann, Teagan Blaikie, Heather Sheldon, Martin Lesueur.
Robust 3D models of geochemical and petrophysical properties from combining borehole and seismic reflection data: A case study from the Tropicana Gold Mine Duy Thong Kieu, Anton Kepic, Jai Kinkela, Ockert Terblanche, Stephen Brown.
Seismic inversion by hybrid machine learning Yuqing Chen, Erdinc Saygin.
AusArray: uncovering major crustal features using passive seismic data Alexei Gorbatov, Andrew Medlin, Michael P. Doublier, Karol Czarnota, Tanya Fomin, Paul Henson, Brian L.N. Kennett.
Calibrating BMR T2 Distribution logs to well test data Keelan O’Neill, Mario Reyes, Benjamin Birt, Timothy Hopper.
drillGEO: Designing a Magnetic Resonance Logging-While-Drilling Tool for Minerals Exploration Keelan O’Neill, Sravani Mukkisa, Michael Johns, Timothy Hopper.
An integrated hydrogeophysical and hydrogeological approach to underpin the long-term water security of a remote tropical island Andrew R Taylor, Tim Munday, Chris Turnadge, Joanne Vanderzalm, Tania Ibrahimi, Shane Mule, Axel Suckow, Sebastien Lamontagne.
Inverting the head wave coefficient with the Werth equation Derecke Palmer.
Full waveform refraction imaging of the regolith with the CIG stack Derecke Palmer.
How to enhance Magnetotellurics resistivity model resolution using passive seismic HVSR to identify the cover-basement interface. Nuwan Suriyaarachchi, Jeremie Giraud, Hoel Seille, Mark Lindsay, Vitaliy Ogarko, Lachlan Hennessy, Mark Jessell.
Probabilistic modelling of groundwater salinity using borehole and airborne electromagnetics (AEM) data Neil Symington, Anandaroop Ray, Chris Harris-Pascal, Richard Taylor, Yusen Ley-Cooper, Ross C Brodie.
The genesis and evolution of laminar carbonates in lacustrine basin: implications for shale oil accumulation Chenyang Bai, Shujun Han, Zhenhuan Shen.
3-D Gravity Geometry Inversion of the Matheson Area, Abitibi greenstone belt: maintaining the contacts of one of the geological unit fixed for obtaining superior results. Fabiano Della Justina, Richard S. Smith.
Geology of the shear zone hosted Dugald River Zn-Pb-Ag deposit, Mt Isa Inlier, NW QLD. Corey Jago, Pieter Creus, Shaun Neal.
Towards standard technical Deeds for (airborne) geophysical surveys in Australia Yvette Poudjom Djomani, James Goodwin.
The Delamerian Orogen- An overview of the resistivity structure across scales Kate Robertson, Tom Wise, Stacey Curtis, Alison Kirkby, Stephan Thiel, Jingming Duan, Graham Heinson.
Maximising the value of high-definition 3D coal seismic data Margarita Pavlova, Matt Grant, Tim Dean.
Magnetic characterisation of the Osborne IOCG: magnetic fabrics, self-demagnetisation, and remanence: Cloncurry District, QLD Andreas Bjork, Jim Austin, Helen McFarlane.
The resistivity structure of the Gidyea Suture and its relationship to the Carpentaria Conductivity Anomaly Janelle Simpson, Dominic Brown, Karen Connors.
Continental shelf marine MT feasibility study in the Spencer Gulf, South Australia Graham Heinson, Kate Robertson, Goran Boren, Steven Constable, Jacob Perez, Stephan Thiel, Jingming Duan, Darren Kyi.
Gaining value from historical AEM data Shane Mule, Tim Munday.
Predicting fluid pathways in large discontinuity systems using graph theory Ulrich Kelka, Stefan Westerlund, Thomas Poulet, Luk Peeters.
A new era for the Australian National Gravity Grids – adding airborne data to the mix Richard Lane, Yvette Poudjom Djomani, Phillip Wynne.
Lithospheric resistivity structures and mineral prospectivity from AusLAMP data in northern Australia Jingming Duan, Darren Kyi, Wenping Jiang, Michael Doublier, Alison Kirkby.
Diagenetic controls on the reservoir quality of organic-rich shales of the Mesoproterozoic Velkerri Formation (Beetaloo Basin) Claudio Delle Piane, Colin MacRae, William Rickard, Vincent Crombez, Mohinudeen Faiz, David, N. Dewhurst.
Deciphering the building blocks of the eastern North Australia Craton Karen Connors, Janelle Simpson, Dominic Brown.
The Do-It-Yourself Geophysicist Anton Kepic.
An inventory of peralkaline rocks in Queensland for evaluation of REE enrichment potential David Purdy, Bob Bultitude, Dominic Brown.
Practical aspects of wavefield decomposition for permanent seismic rotatory sources Roman Isaenkov, Sinem Yavuz, Roman Pevzner, Konstantin Tertyshnikov, Julia Correa, Barry Freifeld.
Estimate elastic moduli of arenites from micro-tomographic images with digital rock physics Jiabin Liang, Boris Gurevich, Maxim Lebedev, Stephanie Vialle, Alexey Yurikov, Stanislav Glubokovskikh.
Targeting Fractured Rock Aquifers using Magnetic Data Heather Ballantyne, Karen Gilgallon, Sharon Lowe.
Enhancing interpretation of geophysical models using petrophysical logging Cericia Martinez, Shane Mule, Teagan Blaikie, Jelena Markov.
Curtin In-Situ GeoLab – advancing geophysical sensing. Konstantin Tertyshnikov, Sana Zulic, Alexey Yurikov, Sinem Yavuz, Evgenii Sidenko, Roman Isaenkov, Roman Pevzner.
Comparative Hydrogeological Characterisation of the Springbok and Precipice Sandstones Oliver Gaede, Pascal Asmussen, Brett Pidgeon, David Murphy.
Subsurface characterisation using full waveform inversion of vertical seismic profile data: Example from the Curtin GeoLab well Sana Zulic, Andrej Bona, Konstantin Tertyshnikov, Alexey Yurikov, Roman Pevzner.
Magnetic inversion constrained by probabilistic magnetotellurics models: methodology and application Jeremie Giraud, Hoel Seille, Vitaliy Ogarko, Gerhard Visser, Mark Lindsay, Mark Jessell.
Microbial methane production in the Surat Basin, Queensland Bronwyn C. Campbell, Se Gong, Paul Greenfield, David J. Midgley, Ian T. Paulsen, Simon C. George.
Closing the gap between ground and airborne IP data modelling Andrea Viezzoli, Gianluca Fiandaca.
Laboratory study of temperature variation effects on Distributed Acoustic Sensing measurements. Evgenii Sidenko, Roman Pevzner, Konstantin Tertyshnikov, Maxim Lebedev.
Next-generation velocity model of the Australian crust from synchronous and asynchronous ambient noise imaging Yunfeng Chen, Erdinc Saygin.
Lithospheric-scale magnetotellurics over the Eastern Goldfields Superterrane, Yilgarn Craton Kate Selway, Mike Dentith, Klaus Gessner.
Inversion-based automatic processing of AEM data Gianluca Fiandaca.
Inversion of Airborne IP data with a multi-mesh approach for parameter definition Gianluca Fiandaca, Andrea Viezzoli.
Recognition of igneous rocks encountered in wells in the Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia: Implications for drilling and petroleum systems. Michael Curtis, Simon Holford, Mark Bunch, Nick Schofield.
Geochemical landscape evolution and Pattern Similarity Analysis at tenement scale for gold exploration in Forrestania Ignacio Gonzalez-Alvarez, Oscar Rondon-Gonzalez, Tania Ibrahimi, Ian Lau, Monica leGras, Dean Goodwin, Vasek Metelka, Tenten Pinchand, Carmen Krapf.
Geochemical signatures and critical metal contents of key deposit types in the Mount Isa Province, Queensland, Australia Vladimir Lisitsin, Courteney Dhnaram, Matthew Valetich.
Post-rift magmatism on the continental shelf of the Otway Basin and implications for the igneous plumbing systems in sedimentary basins Yakufu Niyazi, Mark Warne, Daniel Ierodiaconou.
Spatio-temporal distribution of igneous rocks and seismic facies analysis of buried volcanoes of the Prawn Platform, offshore Otway Basin Yakufu Niyazi, Ovie Emmanuel Eruteya, Mark Warne, Daniel Ierodiaconou.
Using modern downhole EM to discover high-grade, narrow vein lodes in a historical gold field, Bellevue Gold Project, Western Australia Anne Tomlinson, Greg Maude.
Helicopter Airborne Electromagnetics at 12.5 Hz – Western Australia Case studies Adam Smiarowski.
Mineral systems and data integration as part of the foundation for the future of mineral exploration Sandra Occhipinti, Vasek Metelka, Hassan Talebi, Dave Cole, Alex Otto.
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