Velseis is committed to the effective identification of harm and reduction of risk, so ensuring all work activity is performed safely.
Velseis is responsible for:
- Providing and maintaining a safe working environment, using safe equipment and work systems,
- Providing information, instruction, training and supervision for all employees to encourage a culture of health and safety in the workplace,
- Complying with any duties or obligation outlined in Work Health and Safety legislation and/or Coal Mining Health and Safety legislation.
Every Velseis employee is responsible for:
- Taking reasonable care of personal health and safety, and not adversely affect the health or safety of others,
- Stopping work and immediately reporting any work activity that cannot reasonably be done safely,
- Complying with procedures and directions given by Velseis management or their delegates,
- Not wilfully interfering with provided facilities or equipment,
- Reporting potential and actual incidents, hazards and events to an immediate supervisor.
Every Velseis visitor is responsible for:
- Taking reasonable care of personal health and safety, and not affecting the health or safety of others,
- Complying with procedures and directions given by Velseis management or their delegates.
The managing director and QHSE coordinator are responsible for the implementation and monitoring of this policy. Management is committed to regular consultation with employees to ensure that the policy operates effectively. This policy will be reviewed every two years, or in light of legislation or changes within Velseis.
Steve Hearn
Managing Director and Chief Geophysicist
23 September 2015