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About Velseis

Velseis seismic contractor to the Australian coal industyVelseis Pty Ltd is an Australian seismic exploration company that provides a fully integrated range of seismic technologies. With experience throughout the Asia-Pacific region since 1984, Velseis has built a reputation as the leading Australian contractor in this field. The company provides contracting services for coal, mineral, and hydrocarbon exploration utilising Dynamite, Mini-SOSIE, Vibroseis, and Airgun sources.

Services available include survey design, drilling, data acquisition (3D, 2D, and multicomponent), data processing and interpretation. Velseis prides itself on its ability to configure a specialised acquisition service to suit any situation. The company can provide conventional 3D and 2D crews, as well as portable, helicopter and shallow-marine recording.

Over the last decade, Velseis has been at the forefront in development of high-resolution 3D seismic imagery. This technology has been driven by the needs of the coal-mining industry, but is also stimulating interest from the minerals and environmental sectors. Recently, a shallow-marine seismic vessel, The Velseis Explorer, was commissioned. The company also has ongoing contracts in the petroleum seismic arena.

Velseis has a proactive commitment to research and development, encompassing specialised research initiatives as well as high-level technical support for production divisions. Recent specialised projects include model-based and multi-component processing, and viscoelastic finite-difference survey modelling. Our work on converted-wave refraction has attracted ongoing support from the Australian Coal Association Research Program (ACARP).

We strive to provide our clients with geophysical information of the highest possible quality. To achieve this aim, our operational procedures are based on rigorous geophysical procedures, and are carried out with strict quality control.

Velseis’ OHSE management system provides a clearly defined set of standards and procedures for quality control, health and safety, and environmental management. Our operations strive for the highest technical standards, with minimal risk to Velseis staff, clients and the environment.

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