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Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists Extended Abstracts, Volume 2024, 1st ASEG DISCOVER Symposium, Hobart.
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Georgetown AEM survey: Preliminary Results
Sasha Aivazpourporgou, Ravin Deo, Alessandro Maritati, Matthew Greenwood, Andrea Viezzoli, Yusen Ley Cooper.
TEMConfigurator, a new transient electromagnetic forward modelling interface, and evaluation of AgTEM-Wallaby and AgTEM-Wallaroo towed Transient Electromagnetic Systems capabilities and limitations.
David Allen, James Kiptoo Ohanga, Matthew Stockings.
Reaching the Pantheon: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Data Reprocessing and Depth Imaging in the Vulcan Sub-basin.
Alexey Artemov, Jarrod Dunne, Vincent Ganivet, Unni Chambath, Brian Sharp.
MAPRad – A miniaturised magnetic antenna Ground Penetrating Radar
Matthew W Auld, James C Macnae, Gail N Iles.
GSWA petrophysics update: insights from physical property cross plots
Sasha Banaszczyk.
A field trial of cross-well seismic with DAS and a high-frequency source
Nikita Beloborodov, Konstantin Tertyshnikov, Olivia Collet, Roman Isaenkov, Mikhail Vorobev, Pavel Shashkin, Boris Gurevich, Roman Pevzner.
Three-dimensional AEM inversion considering IP effect using Octree mesh
Jian Chen, Bo Zhang, Gianluca Fiandaca.
Utilizing DAS VSP for orebody imaging at Oak Dam IOCG
Min Lee Chua, Robert Tran Thinh To, Mengmin Huang.
Heterodyne Method for Sulphide Mapping. Latest field data
Steve Collins, Keith Leslie, Andrew Sloot.
Simultaneous three-dimensional inversion of large-scale AEM data for changeability and conductivity using the GEMTIP model and moving sensitivity domain
Leif H. Cox, Michael S. Zhdanov.
Geothermal exploration using SQUID TEM survey and 3D inversion, Southern Sumatra, Indonesia
Michael S. Zhdanov, Alexander Gribenko, Leif H Cox, Keiichi Tanabe, Tsunehiro Hato, Akira Tsukamoto.
Three-dimensional MobileMT and TMI Data Inversions for Mineral Exploration
Michael S. Zhdanov, Alex Gribenko, Alexander Prikhodko, Henrik E. Sabra, Michael Jorgensen, Leif H. Cox.
The plumes of Maralinga: Mapping nuclear fallout patterns over sixty years after atomic bomb testing
Jane Cunneen, Pat Cunneen, Pavel Jurza, Joseph Kita, Greg Street.
Airborne IP driven exploration for a green-field research project
Francesco Dauti, Andrea Viezzoli, Isla Fernandez, Chen Jian, Gianluca Fiandaca.
Subsurface Velocity Structure of the Tasmanian Midlands using Ambient Noise Tomography: Implications for Geothermal Potential
Robert M. Hill, Tjaart de Wit, George Taylor.
P-wave Travel-Time Tomography for Mineral Exploration
Tjaart de Wit, George Taylor.
Towards Efficient Bayesian MASW Analysis using JAX
Jordan Dennis, Aaron Glanville, Shaun Strong.
Remanence remembered – an exploration case history from western Tasmania
Mark Duffett.
WA Array Site Characterisation – Enhanced Shear Wave Velocity Profiling from Passive Seismic Data
Reza Ebrahimi, Ruth E. Murdie, Huaiyu Yuan, John P. O’Donnell.
Low-Frequency UAV SAM trials at Forrestania Electromagnetic Test Range in Western Australia
Daniel Eremenco, Christopher Parker, Stephen Griffin, Mark Donaldson, Malcolm Cattach.
Closing the gap between galvanic and inductive methods: EEMverter, a new inversion tool for Electric and Electromagnetic data with focus on Induced Polarization
Gianluca Fiandaca, Jian Chen, Bo Zhang.
Three examples of modern exploration for nickel in the Kimberley region
Tom Harding, Mike Whitford.
Geophysical Signatures of a +5.4Moz gold deposit, NE Bankan, Guinea, West Africa.
Thomas Merlin Harris, Finbarr (Barry) Murphy.
Results from three large-area ground TEM surveys over highly salinised floodplains on the River Murray, South Australia
Michael Hatch, Eddie Banks, Todd Wallace.
Geophysical response of alteration and mineralisation in the WafiGolpu porphyry system, Papua New Guinea
Terry Hoschke, Kim Frankcombe.
Effectiveness of Reprocessed Legacy 2D Seismic for Regional Evaluation: Examples from the Southern Browse Basin.
Maximising the Value of Geophysical Data for Mineral Exploration: A Case Study from the Yilgarn Craton
Mosayeb Khademi, David Giles, Vitaliy Ogarko, Mark Lindsay, Andrej Bona, Caroline Tiddy.
Velocity model building of VSP data through Semblance analysis
M. Javad Khoshnavaz, Marcel Croon, Brenton Armitage, Hammad Tariq, Ben McCarthy, Samual Hunn, Huw Rossiter.
Accelerating PINN Convergence for Signal Reconstructions
Amarjeet Kumar, Arash JafarGandomi.
Quantitative determination of airborne Mag/Rad survey quality
Sam Matthews, Felix Sheldon.
Preliminary assessment of an alluvial aquifer system using airborne and ground-based geophysics: Upper Darling River Floodplain, New South Wales
Andrew McPherson, Kok Piang Tan, Carl Walsh, Sarah Buckerfield, Penny Kilgour, Matti Peljo, Anandaroop Ray, Ross C. Brodie.
Offering new geological insights to the Mawson Ni-Cu-Co prospect via seismic data reprocessing
Alan Meulenbroek, Mario Vecchi.
Capturing high-resolution lithological heterogeneity in geological CO2 storage reservoir models using stochastic seismic inversion
Seyed Ahmad Mortazavi, Achyut Mishra, Julie Dickinson, Ralf R. Haese.
Application of 3D Cole-Cole inversion by Offset Pole-Dipole TimeDomain IP data for mineral exploration in South Australia
Takafumi Murakita.
WA Array and MT – Phase 1 and 2 updates
Ruth E. Murdie, Huaiyu Yuan, Reza Ebrahimi, John P. O’Donnell, Sasha Banaszczyk, Nadir de Souza Kovacs, Erin Gray, Robert Pickle.
Stratya2D: Kinematic Backstripping and Decompaction Enhanced by Image-Based 2D Horizon Integration
Harikrishnan Nalinakumar, Patrick Makuluni, Stuart R Clark.
Interpreting airborne electromagnetic data unburdened from induced polarisation effects: an unconventional mineral discovery case study from the eastern Yilgarn region of Western Australia
Regis Neroni, Kelvin Blundell, Andrea Viezzoli.
The effect of 1-bit normalization on ANT data, 3D velocity models, and their geological interpretation
Fatimah Abdulghafur, Timothy Jones, Gerrit Olivier.
How deep is the basement beneath the Otway Basin? Insight from semi-automated magnetic depth estimates.
Yvette Poudjom Djomani, Merrie-Ellen Gunning, George Bernardel, Duy Nguyen.
Interpretation of electromagnetic multifrequency natural field data from Red Setter prospect (Paterson area, Western Australia)
Alexander Prikhodko.
Re-evaluating the Stratigraphy of the Polda Basin: Implications for Underground Hydrogen Storage in Onshore Salt Caverns
Timothy Rady.
Efficient imaging aperture criterion for reduction of computational cost of TTI RTM
Richa Rastogi, Abhishek Srivastava, Monika Pokharkar, Nithu Mangalath, Saheb Ghosh.
A decade-long between-system comparison of AEM conductivities at Menindee Lake using deterministic and stochastic inversion.
Anandaroop Ray, Alan Yusen Ley-Cooper, Francesco Dauti, Ravin N. Deo, Sebastian Wong, Ross C. Brodie.
The impact of geometry on 3D Resistivity/IP surveys
Emilio Rodriguez Nievas, Kim Frankcombe.
Computer vision tools for geophysicists
Thomas Schaap, Mark Grujic, Bhanu Voutharoja, Mahsa Paknezhad.
3D joint inversion of ground and airborne EM
Carsten Scholl, Randall Mackie, Tom Kimura, Wolfgang Soyer, Stephen Hallinan, Stefano Garazini.
Leveraging Machine Learning and Geophysical Data for Automated Detection of Interior Structures of Cratons
Hojat Shirmard, Ehsan Farahbakhsh, Karol Czarnota, R Dietmar Muller.
Seasonal temperature effect compensation in ERT monitoring without ground thermal measurements
Alessandro Signora, Gianluca Fiandaca.
Joint Inversion of Electrical and Electromagnetic data including IP: a Methodological breakthrough
Alessandro Signora, Stefano Galli, Francesco Dauti, Gianluca Fiandaca.
A Novel yet Simple Approach to the Interpretation of HVSR Data in Australia – A Data Rich Case Study from the Pilbara
Nathan Tabain, Remke van Dam.
21 Basalt Street: Undercover mineral exploration of the Mount Read Volcanics in north-western Tasmania
George Taylor, Tjaart de Wit.
Tackling rugose seabed, strike-shooting, short offset NAZ data in the Otway Basin with advanced processing technologies
Robert Tran Thinh To, Nanxin Li, Putri Supriandini, Min Lee Chua, Serge Vlasov, Jon Cocker, Belinda Wong.
Redefining copper exploration at Oak Dam IOCG deposit through high-end hardrock seismic processing
Robert Tran Thinh To, Min Lee Chua, Mengmin Huang.
A Multi-Physics IP Approach to Encuentro Porphyry Deposit.
Hector Verdejo, Peter Rowston, Terry Ritchie, Leonardo Torres.
Modelling IP in Tempest data: the first preliminary steps and insights
Andrea Viezzoli, Francesco Dauti, Shane Mule, Tim Munday, Ross Brodie, Gianluca Fiandaca, Simone Farinelli1.
Advancing Space Weather Hazard Research in Australia: A Journey of Discovery from AWAGS to AusLAMP
Liejun Wang, Matthew Gard, Hisashi Hayakawa, Andrew Lewis, Bill Jones, Hugh Glanville, Jingming Duan, Adrian Hitchman.
Modernising Australian geophysics datasets to enable Nationalscale multiphysics computation at Exascale: one size can no longer fit all.
Lesley Wyborn, Nigel Rees1, Rebecca Farrington, Ben Evans, Hannes Hollmann, Jo Croucher, Rui Yang, Tim Rawling.
Seafloor geophysical mapping: Renewable energy use case and the importance of open access data
Chris Yule, Phil Vandenbossche, Nelson Kuna, Augustin Deplante.
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