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Shaun Strong Receives Shanti Rajagopalan Memorial Award

Congratulation to Velseis’ Shaun Strong, who is the winner and the recipient of the Shanti Rajagopalan Memorial Award for 2018.
The Shanti Rajagopalan Memorial Award, which inaugurated in 2013, is presented for the best paper published by a Student Member in Exploration Geophysics in the period prior to each ASEG Conference.
The award was granted for Shaun’s paper co-authored with Steve Hearn entitled ‘Statics correction methods for 3D converted-wave seismic reflection’. The paper was published in Exploration Geophysics, Vol. 48, pp. 237–245.

Shaun completed his PhD at Queensland University in December 2016. He has been working with Velseis since 2004 as a geophysicist and currently has responsibilities in both the research and acquisition departments.

The award is named in memory of the late Dr Shanti Rajagopalan, who passed away in 2010 at the prime of her career. Shanti was one of the best known and respected members of the ASEG, and was well known for her outstanding contributions to the geophysical profession. Shanti was also a major contributor to the ASEG. She was a great supporter of her local branch, served as Victorian Branch President, and was actively involved in the organisation of ASEG conferences in Hobart and  Melbourne. She was also Editor of Exploration Geophysics in 2000 and 2001.

Shaun Strong receiving the Shanti Rajagopalan Memorial Award from ASEG President Andrea Rutley

Shaun Strong receiving the Shanti Rajagopalan
Memorial Award from ASEG President Andrea

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